The time has come for all decent human beings to take a stand. Let us speak with one voice -- no more cock pics. I'm not calling for the cock pic to resign their official positions, to stop playing professional sports, to leave Craigslist or Twitter, or to stop taking the pictures in the first place. No, let them continue in their ways, but let us as a society say loudly and clearly, "That's messed up."
A dude who comes on to a woman by sending her a preview of his shaved turgid member, or of a strangely crooked bulge in his underwear, or even of just the head, peaking out like some demented mushroom up to no good, is not a good guy. He is not serving Eros, but at best some sort of goat god who was flayed alive by Apollo for a bet. And he hardens the hearts of his fellow humans, both the men, who lose a little of themselves every time they see another man's johnson, to the women who become sadly jaded about the prospects of finding true romance in the form of texts and jpegs. And obviously any god who might be watching is weeping right now from his many mighty orifices.