In modern Western society, there is no worse political slur than Nazi. In Europe any positive reference to the Nazi regime or any disagreement with the official myths on that era are illegal.
The Nazi phenomenon has been elevated to one of the top official myths of Westerndom. It is cultivated to crate a separation from the past for the regimes which are the heirs of the systematic world wide genocides and atrocities of the colonial ear during which the wealth and foundations of the modern Western state were created. The myth provides that in fighting against the Nazis the West exculpated itself for its past crimes, without changing its actual social structure or ceasing even for a moment the colonialist brutality.
The Holocaust is painted as the worst event in history, and one which permits only one interpretation, one which is extremely politically useful to Western interesets. The cult of the condemnation of the Holocaust allows the US, a country which conducted the most successful genocide in modern history against the Native Americans, better than Iran, a country which in its entire history has only wage one war, a defensive struggle against Iraq.
But how long can this distorted myth survive, even with the resources of the dominant world powers and their propaganda machines behind it?